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family law podcasts


Interviews with Our Lawyers

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At Anthony Black Family Law, we understand that often having some knowledge of the road ahead can be very useful.  We also acknowledge that reading copious amounts of text can be tedious. For this reason, our solicitors regularly provide audio podcasts (interviews) on topical issues.


Our Podcasts

Interviews with our solicitors on topical issues.

What you need to know ahead of your first family law consultation.

Family law issues can often be stressful and on top of that, people can often have a little anxiety about seeking help from a solicitor. In this podcast, Matthew Hempstead, an Associate at Anthony Black Family Law sets out some useful tips about how to be prepared for your first consultation.

In relation to property settlements, what documents will your solicitor require?

There’s little doubt, that if you’re contemplating a property settlement, than you may well be wondering what documents your solicitor will need. In this podcast, Simone Barbour, an Accredited Family Law Specialist and Senior Associate at Anthony Black Family Law advises on the type of documents you should bring with you.


Are property settlements always relevant in family law proceedings?

You probably have heard of the term, “property settlement.” But do they apply in every family law proceeding? To answer the question, Simone Barbour, an Accredited Family Law Specialist and Senior Associate at Anthony Black Family Law.

In relation to parenting matters, what documents will your solicitor require at the first consultation?

If you’re seeking legal advice in relation to a parenting matter, you may be wondering what documents your solicitor will need at that first consultation. To answer the question, Simone Barbour, an Accredited Family Law Specialist and Senior Associate at Anthony Black Family Law.

What is Spousal Maintenance?

If you have recently separated or considering separation, you may have heard of the term, “spousal maintenance” and are wondering what it means!  To answer the question, Matthew Hempstead, an Associate at Anthony Black Family Law.

Parenting Arrangements Following Separation

One of the first things that comes to the mind of separating parents is, what about the children, in particular what parenting arrangements can be made that are best for them?

In this podcast, Elizabeth O’Flaherty, a Senior Associate at Anthony Black Family Law discusses the topic.
